Last week I was out near Manhattan Beach with a family from Chicago.  The little girl was telling me all about how last year she was able to jump in the fall leaves for her photos.  So, with the promise of dipping her toes in the ocean at the end of her session, we started out.

Right away we were admiring her new dress, trying out the twirls and laughing about silly jokes.  I absolutely love how she could go from cracking up laughing to serious in a matter of seconds.

As we were nearing the end of her session, we walked into the waves and those might be my favorite photos from the photoshoot.  They’re so timeless!

Manhattan Beach Photographer- girl twirling at the beach Manhattan Beach Photographer- girl laughing at the beach Manhattan Beach Photographer- girl at the beach Manhattan Beach Photographer Manhattan Beach Photographer

Check out more cute kids here!

Photos by Manhattan Beach Photographer, Kristin Eldridge