I mentioned on Monday that I’d share Jeff’s new CD in the near future, so today’s the day!  I shot the band on a rainy evening at the BART station and the effect is pretty cool.  I can take no credit for the finished product of the CD.  The amazing Tabitha had the vision and put the whole thing together.  I just got to show up and shoot the picture.  Tabitha is so organized she even arranged a personal umbrella holder for me!



I just got off the phone with Jeff to try to provide a link to purchase a CD, but he told me it was number 2 on his to-do list for the week.  🙂  So as soon as Jeff makes it to number 2, I’ll post a link because seriously it’s a CD you need to own!
One other thing I forgot to share was the final product for the Grounded Magazine cover I shot.  Again, Tabitha put it together, so all praise can go to her.  She just puts the idea in my head and sets me loose with a camera.

And the last thing I wanted to share was a picture I took today when I picked up Jillian from school.  I keep going to the open field I’m using for my Easter mini-sessions this Saturday.  I want to practice in bright sun in case it’s very sunny on Saturday.  There’s no option for shade, so I have some lighting scenarios worked out for all weather conditions!  Anyway, we went out to the field with a new prop umbrella I just bought and Jillian asked me to sit under the umbrella with her while I was photographing her.  I put the camera on timer, ran over there and threw my sunglasses off at the last minute.  I was happily surprised since I don’t have that many pictures of us together! 

I’ll share more cutie patoodie pictures of Jillian with her new umbrella tomorrow!