Do you ever feel like you can see your child’s personality from birth?  It comes out more during the toddler years and once they are in elementary school, you can predict how they’ll react to a certain situation.  And it’s almost like first born children know they need to be responsible, middle children march to the beat of their own drum and the youngest wants to do everything themselves…don’t even think about helping them!

Jake is my oldest and he’s 11 and a half.  That half means a lot right now.  He’ll disappear for long periods of time in his room.  If one of my other kids had disappeared for a length of time, I’d be checking the roof or worry about the art project I’ll need to clean up.  But, Jake loves detail.  He put together this lego rock band a few months ago.  Brent and I always try to guess what career path our kids will take and we are convinced this guy will do something meticulous.  Something only he will have the patience for.  Because love is in the details for this guy.