I typically start out a session with posed photos.  Kids (and parents!) are still warming up to me, so this is a great time for more static images.  Even though I say posed, I’m still interacting with the family.  I’m just getting everyone standing still, looking at the camera.

After we’ve nailed a few variations of this, I move on to prompts.  I have my go-to prompts, but this list isn’t set in stone.  Let the kids lead the session.  Sometimes that means gentle snuggles and other times, it’s being thrown in the air or being tickled.

Definitely try to ‘read the room’ when you’re interacting with your clients.

Ok, on to my prompts!

Here’s a list of my go-to prompts for playful family photos:

  1.  Tickle on three.  A dramatic count, “onnnnneeee, twwwoooo, THREEEEE” and mommy and daddy are going to tickle you builds anticipation!
  2.  Kisses.  This is similar to the tickles…a count always works great with it.  And don’t direct mom or dad on where to kiss.  Let it flow naturally!
  3. Throw in the air.  Generally all kids love this, and so do dads! Vary your angle (shoot at eye level or from below.)
  4. Blast off.  This is a little different in that the child faces away from the parent and is facing toward the other parent.  You could also have the child be handed off to the other parent!
  5. Tip back.  Have the parent support the child’s head and lean them back and as they come forward to standing, take the photo.
  6. Swing to the camera.  Have a parent swing the child into the camera…I always get big smiles with this one!
  7. Jumps or stand holding parents hands.  I love this as a cropped image and it’s a variation to holding the child.
  8. On parents shoulders.  This always works if the child is getting fussy and doesn’t want to be held.  Bonus points for the parent giving a little bounce!