As an Orange County maternity photographer, I see a lot of expecting moms.  Sometimes moms want to document the experience alone.  Other times, they want to include a significant other and also an older child if they have one.

Here’s the thing about older siblings…sometimes they are excited about the new baby and sometimes they aren’t.  It might be that the older siblings isn’t actually old enough to understand what’s about ready to happen.  Other times, the older sibling just isn’t excited about sharing mom and dad with another child.

Either way, my job as a photographer is to document this time for the family.  I need a happy and cooperative toddler in order to do that!

I try to make the session about the older sibling instead of being about the baby.  So, we might do things like dad throwing the toddler into the air.  This particular photoshoot involved dad running with the toddler riding piggy back.  Mom just stood and posed while waiting for dad to run up with the toddler.  Now that’s a good dad!

We also walked and swung the toddler in the air.  I incorporated every fun thing I could do keep him engaged.  ‘Kiss mommy’s belly’ wasn’t going to keep him interested for the whole photoshoot.

As a photographer, it’s my job to troubleshoot.  And if a toddler is bored or doesn’t want to engage, I will make sure to do whatever I need to do to turn that frown upside down.

Orange County Maternity Photographer White Dress

Orange County Maternity Photographer Family with toddler

Orange County Maternity Photographer

Orange County Maternity Photographer

Click here to see more Orange County maternity photoshoots.