I was at spin class today and our instructor was talking about doing the right thing in the month of December, so that we wouldn’t have to make a new year’s resolution involving losing weight.  We can make another resolution instead.  So, it’s got me thinking and I want to make a few resolutions for the month of December…why wait until January!?

First I want to be really good with working out and eating right this month, next I want to post every single day.  I’ve been swamped with work for most of October and November, so it was feast or famine here on my blog!  Just like taking your multi-vitamins, you can also come visit my blog every day in December to see something new.

I’m also wanting to decorate my house this year for Christmas in a new way.  I’m normally a little bah-humbug when it comes to decorations.  I don’t want it to look like Christmas exploded in my house, so I’m pretty minimalistic, but this year I want to do a little extra, but in a tasteful way.  I’ll probably share pictures once I get it figured out!

I’ve got my job cut out for me as December is a pretty hectic month…so I’ll cut to the chase.  The pictures.  These were taken down in San Pedro where all the cruise ships come in.  The city is trying to restore this area, so they put in a dancing water fountain…like at the Bellagio!  It’s a great excuse for kids to get wet.  Oh and they have some amazing palm trees lining the whole thing.

And just because most people already have their Christmas pictures/cards taken care of by now…doesn’t mean it’s too late to book a session.  I’m a last-minute gal myself, so I have a special spot in my heart for other last-minute folks.  Shoot me an email and I’ll get you in and taken care of with plenty of time to be sending out your cards!
