I’m sharing three sessions in this post…all repeat clients…which is so nice!  First up is Nancy, who came for the Valentine mini-sessions a few months ago.  She brought her sweet girls back along with their cousin Jordan.  Two year old Jordan was a total hoot!  He was Mr. Serious until I found out that for some funny reason sneezing makes him laugh.  (You should have seen all of us sneezing to try to get him to smile!)

And here are Zaria and Izabella…back for round two with me!


Another returning client from the Valentine mini-sessions was Aurora and her family.

Did I mention what a beautiful day it was!?

Last time Aurora was a little shy and this time she knew the drill and totally worked the camera!

The last of the morning sessions was Jill and her kids.  I met Jill 5 years ago when I was designing clothing.  At that time Jill’s daughter Emma was only four…look at her now!

And her big brother, McKinnley…

It’s so amazing how time flies! 

It was wonderful to see all these familiar faces last Saturday!