My memory cannot be trusted.  Sometimes I can memorize names, faces, places.  It’s like it’s all categorized somewhere in this brain of mine.  Other times I cannot for the life of me recall a simple fact or idea.

As I was going through the Murphy’s pictures I was laughing because a few posts ago I was recounting a story of having one of the boys come back for a few more pictures (with a little incentive!).  In my memory it was the Evans family, but then I got all confused because I had one of the Murphy boys come back for more pictures too.

Regardless…my facts are all screwed up, but the kids remain stunningly handsome…whatever the story may be! (One of you moms will have to email me to remind me who it was. :))

Here is a cute shot of all the boys together-

And one thing I DO remember is how hard Kelly and I worked on getting this cute shot of Aiden.  The lighting was so perfect…just streaming in from the side into this little pine covered area.

Thank you boys!
