I’ve been so busy this week, I haven’t had a chance to share anything from our recent trip to Montana!  I finally sat down tonight and went through some of the photos.  What to share, what to share…  I decided to start with something that just made me laugh.

We spent a day at the Carousel in Missoula.  It’s the most beautiful carousel I have ever seen, but the crowd-pleaser is really the opportunity to grab the gold ring and win another ride.

The carousel goes very fast, but we decided the kids could go alone…so I buckled Cooper in extra tight…knowing he’d be lunging for the ring.

After the first time around we found out that none of the kids were tall enough to reach the ring.  They went for one more ride and walked away discouraged that no matter how hard they stretched, it just wasn’t going to happen.

That’s went Brent and Uncle Travis decided to step in and “help” the kids.  It went something like this…

Check out the loot…

We were laughing so hard because no one seemed to mind that the “big boys” were just hanging kids off the horses to collect rings.  It made it even funnier when Cooper got the golden ring and I happened to catch the action.  It was fast…I’m telling you!!

An unforgettable carousel experience! 🙂  If you’re ever in Missoula with kids, you must go visit the carousel and the Dragon Hollow Play Area right next door.
