If you’re looking for a very fresh looking location for your family photos, this is the spot! Sand Canyon in Irvine has been a favorite of mine for years, especially at sunset. The hills are so pretty with the sun setting behind them.
I’m not 100%. Case in point…this out of frame kid toss. LOL.
But, I included it in their gallery, because I think it’s light-hearted and fun. That’s what to expect in your gallery…the perfectly posed and smiling, the images and that make you laugh and everything in between.
I found a new little spot on the Newport coast. It’s a bit of a hike down to the water, but it’s such a gem. Gorgeous cascading rocks lead down to the water.
Focusing on good family photos during your photo session is always a good idea! Unless you’re going to set up a camera on a tripod with a timer, you just don’t get all family members in the same frame. That’s why people go to a professional photographer!
Gum Grove Park is local to me (Seal Beach) and it’s such a gem! There’s the main part with big eucalyptus trees, trails throughout, wildflowers in the spring and then there’s the rustic wild part.
Big kids! They don’t run from you like toddlers, but sometimes photographers need help because older kids can sometimes be timid at first.
I’ll preface my advice by telling you that it helps when you know a family. The ‘warming up’ period goes pretty quickly and they’re ready to laugh and have fun with you. So, keep your clients if you can!
The majority of my newborn sessions happen in my studio. And if not in my studio, then at a client’s home. But, every so often, I have a family that prefers nature.
This soft little squish of a girl was a sweet as they come. What fun to have a little sister! There’s something about getting the opposite gender for number two!
The last hour of the day is commonly referred to as golden hour. It can be used to create a beautiful glowy photo. Or if used incorrectly, the image can be filled with lots of white blown-out highlights. So, how do you do a photo shoot at golden hour?
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