In the heart of sunny California, Orange County family photographers have a stunning selection of backgrounds to choose from.  Different types of beaches dot our coastline and we have so many diverse parks within driving distance.  However, achieving a variety of stunning shots during a single photo session can be a challenging task. With a few creative prompts and a touch of inspiration, you can add depth and diversity to your family portraits. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create variety in your photo session using prompts, ensuring your family album tells a compelling story.

Tips from an Orange County Family Photographer

Location Matters

The first step to achieving variety in your photo session is selecting the perfect location. Orange County offers a plethora of picturesque settings, from its beautiful beaches to its lush parks and vibrant urban areas. Each location provides unique backdrops and lighting, enabling you to capture various moods and atmospheres. Discuss potential locations with your Orange County family photographer to determine the best setting for your family’s story.  Every fall, I offer family mini-sessions at 33 different locations!  Our area is so diverse!

orange county family photographer tips orange county family photographer tips

Wardrobe Choices

Encourage your family to experiment with their wardrobe choices. Different outfits can set the tone for each set of photos. I’ve created Pinterest boards for different types of sessions and locations to help inspire my Orange County families to think through colors schemes and patterns.  I’ve found that it’s helpful for them to envision how the colors will look in certain locations.

orange county family photographer tips orange county family photographer tips

Candid Moments

Some of the most memorable shots come from candid moments. Instead of stiffly posed photos, have your photographer capture your family engaged in everyday activities like playing at the beach, having a picnic in the park, or walking down a vibrant Orange County street. Candid shots reveal genuine emotions and connections, making your family gallery more authentic and unique.


Your photographer should have a list of prompts or scenarios that can guide your family through during the session. These prompts can range from “walk toward me as you gently bump into each other” to “swing the baby toward the camera” or “snuggle in quietly for a few moments.” Prompts help create a diverse collection of images, each telling a unique part of your family’s story.

Capture Individuality

While family photos are about togetherness, it’s also essential to capture each family member’s individuality. Encourage your photographer to take solo shots of each family member or different combinations of family members. These individual portraits can showcase personalities and provide a balanced view of your family.

orange county family photographer tips orange county family photographer tips orange county family photographer tips


With Orange County’s stunning scenery and the creativity of an experienced family photographer, you can create a photo session filled with diverse and captivating images. By selecting the right location, experimenting with wardrobe choices, capturing candid moments, using prompts, and celebrating individuality, you can ensure that your family gallery if full of memories, telling the story of your unique family bond. Your Orange County family photographer will help you bring all these elements together, resulting in a stunning and diverse collection of photos that you’ll treasure for years to come.