These days I’m glued to,,…you get the idea!  I was in luck when the rainstorm scheduled for Saturday decided to come on Friday night.  The clouds parted on Saturday and allowed just enough sunlight for me to have a fabulous photo session with the Barlow kids.
I shared awhile back about a great little tucked away park that I found.  It’s huge and perfect for exploring! 
Here are the girls…

And all three of the Barlow kids…which are almost the exact same ages as my own three kids…so I was right at home with them!

Getting authentic smiles from older kids can sometimes be a challenge.  As a photographer, you need to be creative…the swings were just the thing to get some amazing smiles!

And pink umbrellas don’t hurt either… 🙂

Now when you’re three years old, dressing up like a fairy will do the trick any day!

I think this is my new favorite image…and it may even end up on the header of my blog.  I’m a girly-girl at heart!

Thanks for the fun afternoon, Barlow family!  These are just a FEW of my favorites…I can’t wait to show you the rest!