Do you ever go to the grocery store without make up? And scraggly hair? Those are the days that you see people you know. Instead of running up to greet them, I tend to hide behind cereal boxes. I know, it’s probably not my best characteristic, but I just don’t like to be seen at my worst. Two summers ago I was standing in line at the airport in Missoula, MT after a week of visiting my parents when I saw a girl I went to high school with. She was the star singer of the chorus- an adorable petite blonde. I of course, was coming off a week of camping and hiking. ie- NOT my best. I didn’t let my pride stand in the way and called out her name. She was just as sweet as I remembered and we chatted for a bit. Fast forward through the months and we are friends on facebook. She asked if I’d be visiting home this summer and lo and behold, I was going to be there the same week as her family. We took it as fate and she hired me to take her family’s photos. I loved the location she chose and the fact that even though her husband and kids didn’t grow up in Montana like we did, they were so at home. It was a perfect evening that I hope they’ll always remember.
I’m guesting this week on the Little Skye blog! Click here for full directions on how to make this super cute felted flower headband.
Summers are mish-mash of playing with the kids, speaking trips for Brent, having friends to my home and frozen yogurt. Lots of Yogurtland. I do actually work in between all that, but I’m lucky enough to plan my own schedule. Sometimes I take a job wherever we are traveling, sometimes I just squeeze photo sessions into the days we are at home before we turn around again. Speaking of turning around again, this week we are at Mt. Hermon. It’s a camp near Santa Cruz. Last year was our first time for Brent to teach at the family camp and it was an unforgettable week! Part of the awesome-ness was being able to spend the week with our friends from the Bay Area. Our kids are all best friends, so a week of non-stop hang out time was like fitting a year of friendship into 7 days. It’s fun.
Last year I took a few photos of the kids having the time of their life…
Between trips to the beach and the local frozen yogurt shop, you need to head over to Rascals to Rebels. They are having summer clearance and the deals are crazy good! I pick up swimsuits for my kids at the beginning of summer and then when they start to look a little ragged mid-summer, I can score a new one for a great price. Especially with the Indian summers we have here…as in: we’re still swimming in October, one swimsuit won’t last all summer!
And speaking of Rascals to Rebels, I wanted to share a few backdrops from over the years. I love to create and these backdrops have been so much fun to make. I only use them for the store, so it makes it extra special for all the Rascals to Rebels customers! When I went through my photos, I forgot how many I’ve done! These are only from 2009 and 2010!!
I photograph a lot of birthday parties and the reaction to eating cake and frosting for the first time undoubtedly makes some memorable pictures! Lincoln so thoroughly enjoyed his cake that the rest of us couldn’t help but just crowd around and be entertained.
Even Lincoln’s big brother Hudson got in on the fun!
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