Can we talk for a moment about time? Where the heck does it all go? I totally feel you when you call me and say…I just want to capture my kids the way they are today. His missing teeth are going to be filled in, like tomorrow, with those big adult teeth and that empty space on the top won’t be empty again. I love that you want to freeze time for a moment.
This week I had such a fun session with a 7 and 10 year old. We were running with bubbles and jumping over waves. My kind of work day.
I also finished up the sessions at Rascals to Rebels. The kids were amazing…lots of babies this time around. And I didn’t plan it this way, but the colors and the softness of the backdrop was perfect for babies. So, win win.
And newborn season. Yes, there is a season for newborns. When Baby Morgan came to the studio this week I was talking to her mom about how during the fall and winter months I see a few newborns, but when spring rolls around those babies come one right after the other. So, yeah! We’re into the newborn season!!