Only when I’m in Costco, do I think buying 4 pounds of blueberries is a good idea.  I have anti-oxidant visions of blueberries on cereal, in pancakes, in muffins, you get the idea.

It’s only after I’m home that I realize it’s only a matter of time before I have a plastic container of rotting blueberries on my hands!  So, after eating them with breakfast all week long, I set to work finding a good blueberry recipe.

I settled on Blueberry Crumb Bars from Smitten Kitchen.  This recipe is remarkably easy and uses a ton of blueberries!

I love that our house has a lemon tree right outside the kitchen.  When a recipe calls for lemon zest or juice, like this one, I can just send the kids outside to pick a fresh lemon.  Yeah for southern California lemons!  Oh and cute $10 H&M dresses!

This also brings me to another favorite kitchen tool.  The Microplane.  It makes zesting lemons a breeze.  And it does a pretty good job on parmesan cheese too.  We feel all fancy like in an Italian restaraunt when we eat pasta with freshly grated parmesan!

I’m a huge fan of kids helping in the kitchen.  Yes, it takes a little longer, but it teaches them math skills, fine motor skills, plus hopefully they’ll grow up to love baking.

Here’s the finished product.  Yum.

I think I may have to go pick up a flat of peaches next time I’m at Costco.  So if you know of a good peach recipe, send it my way!
