I was thinking the other day about how important it is to believe in people and invest in them. Years ago, someone believed in me and bought me a sewing machine. At the time, I was making little girls dresses out of vintage linens and selling them online. I was getting by on an old junker of a sewing machine when someone from church told me they loved what I was doing and wanted to gift me a sewing machine that would make my job much easier.
Fast forward a few years and I had saved enough money to quit sewing and buy a professional camera, lenses, a Mac and everything else I needed to start this photography business. I feel like it was that initial investment that got my foot in the door. I learned how to run a business through those initial years.
Look around you and encourage those hard-workers in your life. Whether it’s an uplifting text, watching their kids for the afternoon or spending cash on them…believe in them. I’m so thankful someone believed in me.
//family photography taken in Balboa Island, Newport Beach