Sometimes you mull over an idea that’s just that…an idea.  a concept.  Until all the stars align and that idea has blossomed into reality.  The whole process starts with scouring all the usual spots.  Craigslist, thrift stores, estate sales and the flea market.  I’m looking for a piece of furniture that speaks to me.  Something that will inspire me to create.

A whole slew of other things has to happen.  The price has to be right.  The best-husband-ever has to go pick it up.  It has to fit inside a sequoia.  I have to convince best-ever-husband to load it back into said sequoia for a series of practice shoots.  Does my location work?  What time of day will it work best?  What will the children wear?  What will I bribe them with?  Can you hang a chandelier from a tree?  Oh you know, all the things you check of your list at the end of the day.

Soooo.  All the stars aligned and I think I’m more excited about these mini-sessions than any others before.  You guys, the location is just.  Well, it’s perfect.  And it’s in Long Beach.  The sofa, it is also perfect.  Vintage yet modern- in rich velvet.  The chandelier.  Hello, gorgeous!