My poor blog has been a little neglected, but it’s all for good reason! I’ve been out of town…and it’s just been so nice to get out of the humdrum of my daily activities that it just fell by the wayside.
I have lots of pictures to share…between the jobs I did here in Oahu and the personal pictures from my iphone. I’ve fallen in love all over again with Instagram. I downloaded the app a long time ago, but to be honest, I’m just to busy to play around with my phone. I re-discovered the app because I don’t like to take my ‘big’ camera with me if I’m not working. I want to just enjoy life and not worry about shutter speed and ISO. Sooo, I pretty much always have my phone nearby and decided to document the personal pictures with the instagram. It’s been so fun! I promise to share some with you when I get settled back at home.
Speaking of home…we are getting on a plane and I CAN’T WAIT to see the kids. It’s been so nice and wonderful to have some time with Brent. And we are so lucky to have his parents that love our kids as much as we do…and are willing to take such good care of them while we’re away. BUT…once your conversations start turning to how cute the kids are and wondering what they are up to…it’s time to go home!
I did put together a few pictures from a play date awhile back. When I was doing the play dates, I loved how the playground equipment naturally lent itself to framing the subjects…in a quirky little way.