Despite a last-minute location change and freezing weather, the pictures from my session yesterday afternoon came out beautiful!  Mostly having to do with the subjects!!  These adorable kids are all cousins…and what a great idea to do pictures of everyone together as a Christmas present for their grandma.
Here’s a picture of everyone together…

One of my champion helpers from the afternoon is Sarah…

And here she is with her big brother Joshua…

Joshua was so great at holding Baby Garrett…what a huge help!  When I took each of the kids alone to take pictures, he pulled this pose out for me.  What a sweet guy. 🙂

And here’s little Garrett, who has already changed SO much in the past month since I took his newborn pictures.  He’s the guy up there on my banner, but you’d never know it by looking at him now!

And here’s his big brother Keegan…a 2 year old that kept me running to get this smile!

Joshua and Sarah have 2 little brothers…Caleb (who was trying out some new smiles for his session).  This one is my favorite. 🙂

And his baby brother Nathan…who thought the working conditions too cold!  He made us work for it…but isn’t he so cute!!?

And a last picture of the big boys of the family…

Thanks you guys for braving the cold…enjoy the pictures!!