Being a lifestyle photographer in Orange County means you just never know what you’re going to show up to.  When I have a studio shoot (like for a newborn or one year old), I know the lighting and pretty much what to expect.

When you show up to the beach, for example, it could be overcast or sunny.  There could be a lot of people or very few.  Of course, I try to plan around these things, but sometimes, you just never know!

Another thing you can’t predict is the wind.  It usually dies down closer to sunset, but sometimes it doesn’t!  This photo shoot was one of those days!

It’s easy to get defeated and try to fight against it, but that will not get me great photos.  Instead, I try to work with the wind and use it to create action shots.  I might not get perfectly posed photos in the wind, but I will have wind-tossed hair and flowy skirts.

I love the way the casual images from this photoshoot and will definitely be returning again and again to the Huntington Beach Pier!

Lifestyle Photographer Orange County- Huntington Beach

Here’s another shoot just down the coast in Newport Beach!