Dear John Locke,

It was great running into you at Foodland this morning.  Remember when you had your hat pulled low so no one would recognize you.  But I did.  I looked at you and was like- hi, then you were all- hi.  Let’s do that again some time.



Eight years ago, we stumbled on the North Shore and have come back several times.  A few years ago when Lost came out, I had this naive fantasy that I would see one of the characters at the gas station or the grocery store while we were visiting.  I told Brent on the plane on the way over this time and we laughed about it.  Then low and behold, I met John Locke…my favorite character…in the grocery store this morning.  Weird.  Too bad I didn’t have something more intelligent to say.  Or happen to have my camera on hand!

More surf pictures on the way!
