I’m so excited to finally be sharing this location with you!! And just in time for Spring! I love the long grass and the fact that it just looks like the country. 🙂
Buckle up…there’s going to be a lot of pictures! But, before I get to all the pretty stuff, here’s the details:
Details: $100 for a 20 minute photo session including props and styling (if desired).
The first 4 people to sign up will receive a complimentary digital image. (I just put this out to my mailing list, so if you’re reading it on my blog, you better hurry! 🙂
Dates/Times: This location is best at sunset…plus it’s my favorite time of day to shoot!
Sunday April 3
Thursday April 7
6:50-7:10I happen to love this sofa, but if that’s not your thing…not to fret, I’ve got plenty of other props. Or just the long grass!
Okay…so have you not been won over yet to this new spot! I love it and I hope you love it to. I’m going to start with these 8 time slots on April 2 and 7. If they fill up in a flash and I need to add more, I will, so email me if you’d like to be put on a wait list for a different date. Again, this location definitely looks best right at sunset, so I’m planning the times accordingly.
I love this sweet little newborn….he was born into such a perfect family too.
Normally I’m a sucker for bare skinned newborn photos, but it was chilly the morning we took these and so he was all cozy in his little sweater outfit. I love the look of the soft sweater and his fuzzy crop of hair. Too cute!
Can’t wait to photograph him again and watch him grow!
They traveled all the way from the Bay Area for pictures. We had to reschedule because of the weather and then as luck would have it, Ella fell and got a fat lip running to the car. Such is life. Our best laid plans sometimes end up shattered on the floor. BUT, a good attitude can change things around…and they not only turned things around, they turned them amazing.
Brandon was as cute as can be and Ella was a total champ. She was so sweet with her brother and took direction so well. The last time I had seen her was when she was Brandon’s age! Such fun to see families year after year…
This week was full of ups and downs with the weather. It was supposed to pour over the weekend (and it probably still will today!), then it was supposed to be cloudy, then back to pouring rain. None of this would matter, except that I was a little over ambitious and scheduled 20 back to back mini photo sessions for Saturday. I had back-up plans and back-up plans for the back-up plans. 🙂 I prayed all week that God would just push the rain back a day, and He did. Oh, thank God for small favors! The day went off without a hitch. I had an amazing assistant, Bethany, who kept everyone on-schedule and organized. We were perfectly on time, no one had a melt down and not a drop of rain!!
For the next week I’ll be glued to my computer with the 48 gigs of images I downloaded yesterday. So, in the meantime, I wanted to share the zucchini muffins that I made for the kids on St. Paddy’s Day…you know, something green! Every week I make granola bars and some kind of muffins and stick them in the freezer. It makes packing healthy lunches really easy every day.
Right after I had Cooper, my friend Katie brought me dinner and these amazing muffins…with the recipe card. I think she knew I’d ask her for it and saved me a step. They taste rich and almost custard-y. I think it’s because of the 3 eggs. The kids love them and any time kids love something with a vegetable, it’s on current rotation!
It’s one of those recipes where you basically dump everything in a bowl and mix. That’s my style of baking.
Don’t you love the cake stand!? I got it from Melody at the Sweet and Saucy Supply Shop. I have a few and they make my simple muffins look like they live in a bake shop! I did a lot of her product photography for the website, so go check it out…and buy a cake stand!
Here’s the recipe for the muffins…or bread if you prefer.
3 cups zucchini, shredded and tightly packed
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup oil
1 tsp. vanilla
3 tsp. cinnamon
3 tsp. nutmeg
3 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
Mix the first 7 ingredients in a bowl, then add the flour, salt and baking powder. Mix well and pour into muffin tins (or a loaf pan). Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. (makes 2 dozen muffins)
I’ve been meaning to blog the last few mini-sessions from February and they were just too cute not to share!
You might remember this little girl from last year. She showed up with her two little dogs…all in matching sweaters. 🙂 Now she has a baby sister!
And there’s also this cutie pie!
She came to see me at Rascals to Rebels awhile back with her adorable lilac glasses. Now she’s all grown up and doesn’t need her glasses anymore!
I’m so thankful for my clients and how I get to see them often and watch them grow!
Last summer I was asked to photograph the opening of the Anthropologie in Palm Desert. It’s quite amazing…a team of people work day and night to transform an open space into a finished store in a matter of days. The attention to detail is like none other. And this company knows how to sell! Even in a down economy, they are still opening new stores.
Everything is hand made or found. All hours of manual labor pay off when you see how the theme is woven throughout the store. Every vintage object is scouted out from local thrift stores and flea markets. Laura of Ascot Friday was one of the leads on this project.
Loving these hand-sewn tags. So many of the ideas can be adapted for at home use.
These blocks of wood create height in a table setting. I love the idea of using it for a buffet at a party. Every day items are escalated to chic with a bit of creativity.
Products are separated into the ‘rooms’ of the store.
This hand-made book shelf was so impressive. A million little details that were each so beautiful!
The plants seen in the store are all real…it’s so cool to see how living things are incorporated amongst the product.
Oh these little twig hangers are so cute! I think they’d look perfect in a nursery.
Loving the detail on these hanging lamps…copper and ticket stubs!
The team also made this bead from piping at lace. This definitely needs to be re-created in someone’s home!!
As you can see…love is in the details! If you have never been to an Anthropologie…hope you enjoyed this little peek into the Palm Desert Store! And sorry to kill you with a million pictures…I have hundreds and had a hard time narrowing it down!!
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