It’s been a little while since I’ve summed up for you what I’ve been doing! Work-wise, it’s been full of fun photo shoots and tons of newborns. I mean tons! The last four photo sessions I’ve had have been with babies under 2 weeks old. And I love it! On a personal note, the kids have gone back to school after a week on spring break. We were here for the break, so the days were filled with play dates, frozen yogurt and trips to the beach. Oh and all that pesky rain. But, we won’t dwell on that. It’s supposed to be back up to 80 this week. YES.
One of the super cool things I got to do recently was a newborn photo session with Melody, the owner of Sweet and Saucy. The photo session took place in her loft and the huge windows gave us the best lighting. Baby Blake had a ton of accessories for us to choose from and I really could have photographed her all day. Such a cutie and such a great family!
Baby Michael came in last week when his dad called in literally the night before to see if I had any openings. I happened to have the next day free and since Michael was almost 3 weeks, we needed to get his newborn photos taken right away. He was such a sweetheart and kept wanting to pop his head up to see what was going on. He didn’t want to miss anything! He finally drifted into sleep and we were able to do some sleepy little newborn poses as well. What a great photo session!
Guess what’s coming up the day after tomorrow? I’ll give you a hint. It only comes around once a month and it inspires me to wake up at the crack of dawn…the Long Beach Flea Market! It happens to be just down the street from our church, so I like to wake up super early and get all my shopping done every 3rd Sunday when all those tents roll into town with their junky goods.
Laura, my friend from Ascot Friday, introduced me to this flea market. After moving from the Bay area, I was lost. I used to have my round of thrift stores that I’d hit once a week. I ALWAYS found something good. Consistency is key. And when you’re a photographer, you NEED junk props like water. I tried thrifting here in Long Beach, but I just couldn’t get into. Plus I don’t have the time, as my business has taken off. So, this once a month trip to the parking lot of the Veteran’s Stadium fills my house with a never-ending supply of old chairs, pottery and collectibles. Yay for junk!
On my last trip, I added a little ‘arm swag’ to my collection. There was a seller with piles and piles of bracelets from all over the world. $5 later I was peacing out. Oh and collections. I’ve started a little collection of old cameras. They are such fun props. Here’s my newest addition…
All these photos are taken with my iphone, because bringing my big camera out would distract from the shopping! I hope you can make it out to one of the best flea markets around. Here’s the link to all the info: Long Beach Antique Market (fancy website name, but it’s really just a flea market 🙂
As promised, I’m sharing Erika’s little Monroe. In just a few minutes, we documented all the moves of a crawling babe. This stage is my favorite to photograph…they smile non-stop and they are always posing (whether it’s chubby toes together, lunging forward or the cute little ‘kickstand’).
Erika makes all Monroe’s headbands. I love that so many moms are doing this now. Babies bring out our inner-crafty!
Rolls for days!
I sit here with a full belly and a happy heart. I’m so blessed to have a family that’s as sweet as they are cute, clients I love and most importantly, faith that keeps my grounded.
If you’re on instagram (kristineldridge), twitter (@kristineldridge) or facebook (Kristin Eldridge), check out all our family happenings on this perfect Easter day.
It’s no surprise that I love easy. When you are in the middle of a busy week, you don’t want to mess around with 10 step recipes or hunt down complicated ingredients. You want to put dinner on the table in about 15 minutes without setting off the smoke alarm. Oh, you don’t set off a smoke alarm? Moving on.
Flank steak is one of those humble cuts of meat that can really shine when it’s properly prepared. I don’t normally show photograph meat in its raw state. Because, eewww. BUT, it’s so important to cut flank steak diagonal to the grain. So, lay it out on your cutting board and look at the direction of the lines. Take your knife (love this one by J. A. Henckels) and put it perpendicular to those lines. Now start cutting in 1″ strips. A few pantry staples later and you’ve got a marinade. The original recipe does not call to marinate, but marinating never hurt anyone, so I let it sit for about an hour.
Veggies are a good addition to any meal, especially when they’re mixed into the dish, like this stir fry. The crunch of peanuts and kick of cilantro fancy things up a bit.
We like brown rice, so I made a pot while I was prepping the meal. It takes 30 minutes, so you have to plan ahead. The quick and easy minute rice can be made as you are setting the table.
- 1 (1-pound) flank steak, trimmed
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
- 1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce
- 2 teaspoons cornstarch
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons dark sesame oil
- 2 cups fresh sugar snap peas, trimmed (about 8 ounces)- you can buy these at Trader Joe’s in a bag
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
- 3 tablespoons chopped dry-roasted peanuts
- Cut steak diagonally across grain into 1-inch-thick slices. Combine steak, garlic, and pepper in a bowl; toss well to coat. Combine soy sauce, cornstarch, and sugar in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk until smooth.
- Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add sugar snap peas to pan, and stir-fry 1 minute. Add meat mixture to pan, and stir-fry 2 minutes. Add soy sauce mixture to pan; stir-fry 1 minute or until sauce is slightly thick. Place about 1/2 cup rice on each of 4 plates; top each serving with about 1 1/4 cups steak mixture. Sprinkle each serving evenly with 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro and 2 1/4 teaspoons chopped peanuts. Serve with rice
Yesterday I was parking my car and got hit by a bicyclist. As in ‘he crashed into my car ‘(apparently not looking where he was going). After he yelled at me, (huh?) he sped off. I was too flustered to chase after him, so I basically got into a hit-and-run with a bicycle. That’s a first! Anyway, it came on the heels of a busy weekend. Not really how I wanted to start my week (a $500 deductible later), but I have lots to be thankful for…so we press on!
To brighten spirits, I’ll share with you what I was up to last week. All kinds of crazy good stuff!
As promised, Erika’s living space…
The home is a seamless blend of vintage and modern. All the personal touches, like family photos (love that!) and flea market finds add interest to the clean lines of the furniture.
After photographing her home, I feel inspired to find some large prints the next time I’m at the flea market. I love how it fills the space without being overly busy.
This entry way table caught my eye and Erika told me it was one of those flea market finds that she couldn’t go home without. It’s such a great reminder that when you fall in love with something and can’t stop thinking about it, go for it! It’s such a unique piece that I imagine she’ll own forever.
Thanks again, Erika, for letting me share your home with the internet!
Bacon. Mmmmm. Bacon. I could pretty much end this post right here. But, then you wouldn’t hear about the new bacon sandwiches I just made. I found the recipe on Joy the Baker and as soon as I saw it, I ran to the market for ingredients.
Don’t be scared by the bacon that looks like it’s burnt. It’s not burnt, it’s coffee flavored. Here’s how it goes down…gather these fine ingredients:
Line your bacon with the fat side up and get ready for something amazing. You’re smashing the coffee goodness into the bacon and letting it sit. I put mine on this new product that I’m in love with. Parchment on one side, foil on the other. Genius.
It’ll look like this in your fridge. And it won’t leak.
In the meantime, pick a lemon and zest it. Then juice it and mix it up with some goat cheese and chopped dates. Hello tangy sweet sandwich spread.
You are THIS close to eating your amazing creation. Grab some bagged spinach and french bread while your bacon is cooking for 15 minutes in a 425 degree oven. Assemble and enjoy.
For the official recipe, click here to go to Joy the Baker.
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