When people ask me about my business and what it takes to make it (ie. make money at it) as a photographer, there’s no real easy answer. Where I live, everyone is a photographer. With so much competition how do you set yourself apart? Again, so many answers to this question. Like being yourself, playing to your strengths, communicating your brand effectively. But, one thing so many people skip over is so elemental, it’s easily missed.
Doing what you say you’re going to do. And doing it WHEN you say you’ll do it.
I’m a big fan of under-promising and over-delivering. Which means, I’ll tell my clients they will view about 35 fantastic images after their photo session, the reality is they will view about 50. If I ever find myself in a situation where the photo session is a challenge, I know FOR SURE that I can get 35 fantastic images. That’s my bottom-line. But, I know my average photo session will yield about 50. It’s a pleasant surprise.
Same thing goes with time-line. I promise the photos will be delivered in 2 weeks. That’s if everything in the world goes wrong. 99.9% of the time I have them back in a week. Again, the client is pleasantly surprised.
These very simple things will do so much for your business. If you tell someone you will email them the paperwork tomorrow, do it. If you promise you will call in the morning. CALL. IN THE MORNING. You’ll gain the trust of your clients and you’ll just feel better about yourself, knowing you’re someone who is trustworthy.
Slight change of subject…doesn’t being a parent make this so much easier!? If we tell our kids we will be going out for dinner tonight, we better make sure that is going to happen. They won’t forget! They don’t forget when the friends are coming over or when you promised to play basketball.
This is Jillian and I on a fun girls night out, that I promised we’d do. 🙂