I don’t know what you all are doing this Christmas Eve, but our family had the crazy idea of going to the mall to see Santa this morning. The kids were actually pretty good in the insanely long line and I was impressed with Santa’s good hygiene. He had really white beard and teeth! One year Jake asked me why Santa had butter in his (yellowish) beard…ewww.
Now, we are just tucked in at home, starting to bake for tomorrow. Speaking of baking (well, not really baking- actually making) we had Ethan and Talia over this week to make mini-gingerbread houses. It was a great excuse to get rid of all the extra candy I had from Jake’s birthday pinata.
The kids were actually more into eating the candy then building with it…but it was fun nonetheless!
Talia has been in front of my camera before, but she was a little shy this time. I finally got a cute little grin from her. 🙂 Oh and don’t you love her new bob!?
And here’s Ethan in front of his naked house…he and Cooper abandoned the project half way through to go play on the computer.
Oh and I made some new textures today to try out. I gave this image a vintage color, then added some scratchy texture:
And here’s another different texture I made:
They’re not anything mind-blowing, but if you’d like them, leave a comment and I’ll email them to you!