I CANNOT believe it’s been almost a year since I’ve been back to the Bay Area to take photos and visit friends. Crazy! I’ve been in contact with a few of my previous clients and I’m mostly booked, but I decided to open up Sunday morning April 18 for some mini-sessions.
Unfortunately, I’ve priced myself out of many of my previous client’s budgets, so this is a great/affordable way to update your photos while I’m there.
Price: $100 includes 20 minute session and one digital image
Location: Park in the East Bay (exact location depends on who will be attending 🙂
Date/Time: April 18 10:00am to 11:30am
If you’d like more details or want to book a mini-session, shoot me an email to info@kristineldridge.com
And since rainbowed colored hands has NOTHING to do with mini-sessions in the Bay Area, I’ll include this to add a little chuckle to your day. Who knew egg dye was so strong!? The kids had multi-colored hands at church on Sunday morning. I guess I probably should have MADE them use the sticks provided in the kit. 🙂