I know this is late to do a post on Mother’s Day, but it’s too cute not to share.  Jillian’s preschool class did a little presentation for the mom’s, so I brought my camera along.
This is her handing me what she had made. 🙂

My friend Maggie took this one of us together.

And Jillian wanted a picture with her teacher, Mrs. Kaufman.  All three of my kids have had Mrs. Kaufman as a teacher and many of my 30 something friends had her as a teacher too!  She is the sweetest lady and Jillian is always spouting advice that she has learned from her.  🙂

We got to stay and watch our kids do their thing, so the first thing Jillian did was dress up.  Hmmm, where does she get that from!?  Although, in this picture I think she looks like she is a seventies child!

Here is story-time…

And a picture with on of her best friends!
