It’s been a busy weekend…so even though this post was supposed to be dedicated to the session I had this morning, it’s going to be sort of a catch-all post!
Sunday was spent with the Millers…two brothers with the sweetest wives ever!  I love this picture because I was snapping away when all of a sudden Ethan reached up and everyone looked at him.  It was such a cute moment.  I’m so glad I caught it. 🙂

The weekend finished with my friend Jeff Zabel’s album release concert.  I mentioned before that I was going to be photographing the band for the cd cover and I still haven’t shared that yet.  Don’t worry…it’s coming!  I just got my own copy of the cd last night.  The concert was amazing and I’m really blessed to call these people friends. 🙂
This morning I got to work with Marci again…mom of the super cute Semira.  We were photographing clothing for Gigi Creations and as always Marci and I worked at the speed of lighting to get it all done!

Semira can pull off all the bright/vibrant colors…doesn’t she look amazing!!  I think she’s pondering her cuteness in the picture below. 🙂

Lastly, I’ll share Jillian in a few outfits for Stephanie of Gigi Creations.  This is the same field I’ll be at on Saturday for the Easter mini-sessions.

I love these swirly monograms that Stephanie does…so fun and different!

Like I said…definitely a mish-mash of information and photos today!  I hope Monday is treating you well!