Big kids!  They don’t run from you like toddlers, but sometimes photographers need help because older kids can sometimes be timid at first.

I’ll preface my advice by telling you that it helps when you know a family.  The ‘warming up’ period goes pretty quickly and they’re ready to laugh and have fun with you.  So, keep your clients if you can!

Advice for Photographing Families with Older Children:

  1. Find the funny one.  Usually it’s the youngest.  You need them as an ally.  They’ll help lighten the mood and get everyone laughing.
  2. Switch up your poses.  Sometimes you need to try out a few positions before you find the one that’s magic.
  3. Encourage them to bring the family dog.  Just like the comic of the family, the dog is going to keep things light-hearted.
  4. No one is too old to hug.  I’m always telling little kids to hug, but big kids should hug too.  Snuggling into someone takes you away from an Olan Mills and into a candid and natural image.

Photographing Families with Older Kids Photographing Families with Older Kids Photographing Families with Older Kids Photographing Families with Older Kids