In Southern CA we sort of skipped ‘June Gloom’ this year and it went straight to July Gloom.  June was bright and sunny and wonderful.  July is full of overcast days.  Who knew!?  To be honest, I don’t really mind overcast at the beach.  It makes the photos take on a water color feel.  I do love bright beach photos as well.

The mini-sessions I had near Laguna Beach this year were one of those overcast days.  It was beautiful, but chilly to say the least.  I had brought a few blankets for sitting on and they ended up taking on a life of their own as super hero capes and blankets for snuggling.  I love the way they add to this photo session in a way I would never have anticipated.

This is a perfect example of letting the situations guide the photo sessions.  Ultimately as the photographer, I’m in control, but sometimes what I plan doesn’t work out how I was thinking it would.  Not being ‘stuck’ to my ideas lets me take advantage of a chilly day and some extra blankets.

laguna beach photographer








